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Advances in Fibromyalgia

Want to know more about new or novel treatment options for fibromyalgia? Or perhaps you’re interested in reading about the latest research findings for this disease. You’ve come to the right place. AFSA solicits treating physicians and researchers from around the world for their input and compiles the information into articles to help you better understand fibromyalgia.

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Has your fibromyalgia turned your life into an unpredictable roller coaster ride? Learn about healthcare attitudes, treatments and ongoing research on your disease. It’s important to know what you are up against with fibromyalgia and what can be done to improve your care. Read more
A marker that maps painful body areas would validate the widespread nature of your fibromyalgia. Read more
Alterations in the bacteria living in your gut are linked to fibromyalgia. Researchers are now looking to change these bacteria to relieve your symptoms. Read more
Exercise should be invigorating, but for people with fibromyalgia it is often exhausting and makes the pain worse. Three research teams explain why your body doesn’t perform the way it should when you exert yourself. Read more
Struggling to find a medication that relieves your symptoms without causing a boatload of side effects? Four fibromyalgia treatment experts offer advice on how you can get the most from low-dose naltrexone, a drug with little or no side effects. Read more
Could something in the blood be causing your fibromyalgia? Yes! A joint study by researchers in the UK and Sweden shows that transferring antibody-containing serum from fibromyalgia patients to mice promptly causes a dramatic drop in pain thresholds. AFSA interviewed the lead investigator to get his views on what this means for you. Read more